Would you like to take part in important research about your experiences? Our research explores the resilience resources carers use to manage their personal stressors associated with caregiving. Our aim is to understand how unpaid carers can best be supported.
If you:
- are an unpaid carer caring for an individual who experiences psychosis (no formal diagnosis needed)
- 18+
- have access to Microsoft Teams or a phone
- self-disclose that you can understand english language to a degree where you can understand the information provided, and answer questions
and you would like to take part, please email hleshaw5@liverpool.ac.uk
(all of your information will remain anonymous; you can withdraw at any time)
Emily shaw
Principle investigator:
Dr warren donnelan
Department of psychology
University of liverpool
Lisätietoja: https://www.finfamipirkanmaa.fi/wp-content/uploads/caregiver-project-information-sheet.docx